I know it’s not everyone’s preference but I have really been enjoying the PVE servers. If you dont like it, move on. But if you

Going out of my comfort zone for this one to test out the waters with uploading a Rust PVE video as PVE servers have picked up in popularity quite allot the last couple of months. In this one I simply show the base that I have built up over the last moth/wipe on the RustSurvivor PVE server, as well as the base of my friend Beast that built right next to me and A massive base of a complete stranger built near our base locations. If the video does well I might do more PVE videos showing some of the events and Raidable Bases on the server. By no means is this the Biggest or most impressive base I’ve built as I’ve been playing rust for some time now but I felt like showing it anyways to see if people enjoy these videos or not. Keep in mind this is a 2x server so the resources aren’t abundant like on a 10x This is a relatively new channel and still so please don’t hesitate to show some love and support or share your critics and opinions and suggestions to help me grow and help improve my content for all
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