Israel used suicide drones to attack the Syrian air defense batteries that successfully confronted the previous waves of missil

“Israel used suicide drones to attack the Syrian air defense batteries that successfully confronted the previous waves of missiles. (Mostly high-precision “Harop“ suicide drones) 12 Israeli drones have been reportedly shot down so far between Tartous, Banias and Jableh. This is the largest Israeli attack on Syria so far Israeli drones have targeted a bulldozer that was trying to open a road in the burning forests, an ambulance and the car of the Director of Technical Services in Hama, Engineer Hakam Al-Sbahi, while he was heading to the site of the aggression and he was carried to the Masyaf National Hospital. SANA photographer Azzam Al-Omar was injured while covering the Israeli aggression. The drones that attacked Masyaf have most likely infiltrated the the Lebanese airspace or Idlib airspace and the air defenses are still dealing with them. Russian warplanes are conducting air patrols off the Syrian coast to keep away Israeli fighter jets.“ Source: Reality Theories, Eva K Bartlett
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