How to put on a Signia RIC (receiver-in-canal) hearing aid | Signia hearing aids

Watch this 30 second Signia Receiver in a Canal Hearing Aid Instructional video featuring a close look of the straightforward way to place your Signia RIC Hearing Aid into your ear in two simple motions. As part of the hearing aid instructions videos presented by Signia, this video is a thirty-second demonstration that will have you placing your hearing aid on in less time than that. The complete hearing aid instruction booklet that you receive with your Signia Hearing Aids, details the procedure of how to put your receiver in canal earing aid into your ear. This video featuring a live model is perfect when using hearing aids for the first time. It shows a close look at the no-fuss way to simply put your Signia hearing aid on quickly. Watching this hearing aid tip video, you’ll see that placing a hearing aid on is simpler than putting on an earring. Signia Hearing is an innovative technology leader in hearing care aids. The Signia product line of hearing aids feature, Bluetooth enabled hearing
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