The Town Hall | The Chair | Episode 3 | Netflix 2021 | Eng/Rus/Ukr Subs

At the disciplinary proceeding, Bill refuses to write a public apology for the Nazi salute. Instead, he talks to the students, saying he is proud of their dissent. He compares himself to professors who fled Nazi Germany and says the students are misinterpreting what he did. After being asked to apologize, he apologizes for other people’s feelings, and the students jeer him and continue to protest. During a discussion about Herman Melville in Yaz and Elliot’s class, a student asks about allegations of Melville beating his wife. Elliot refuses to discuss the matter, but Yaz says she will do so in her section. Joan reads her students’ poor reviews of her teaching, lights a few reviews on fire, and nearly burns down her office. Ji-Yoon is told the distinguished lecturer will be David Duchovny even though she would ordinarily be the one who chooses the lecturer, and she had already chosen Yaz. Ji-Yoon argues with the dean over the choice, who says the school needs a guest lecturer that will increase enrollment.
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