Insurance and law - asuransi dan hukum

Insurance and law have a close relationship. Insurance is an agreement between two parties, namely the insurer and the insured. An insurance agreement is an agreement regulated in civil law. Apart from that, insurance is also regulated in statutory regulations, such as Law Number 40 of 2014 concerning Insurance. Law has an important role in insurance, namely: • Guarantee certainty for both parties in the insurance agreement. • Protect the legal rights and obligations of the parties in the insurance agreement. • Resolving disputes The law can be used to resolve disputes that arise. Insurance law in Indonesia is regulated in Law Number 40 of 2014 concerning Insurance. This law regulates general insurance provisions, types of insurance, insurance companies and other Financial Services Institutions (LJK) related to insurance. The following are some examples of insurance and legal relationships: • Insurance agreement An insurance agreement is an agreement regulated in civil law. • Legal pro
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