Mayfair- "Sunlight"

I remember “Sunlight“ like it was yesterday while constantly listening it in the distant winter of 96, when I was serving my spell in the army , in a small weird the mist of frozen mornings, thousands of crows were screaming flying over the camp... I chose an old horror b-movie called “Demons of the mind“(1972) , directed by Peter Sykes , produced at the very familiar “Hammer“ Studios, in order to find a suitable path for me in this impressive bitter-sweet song.I easily prefer the sense of these movies comparing to predictable Hollywood blockbusters, and I certainly feel mesmerized by the gorgeous blonde Gillian Hills and her passionate face comparing to indifferent perfect plastic models of our conception was tragedy lurking slyly into scenes of happiness, weird signs of evil against the will of humans for sunny days and finally ...loss, sharp as a knife... Please, don’t forget to support Mayfair if you are thinking different, acting different, lis
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