Das Wunder des Schneeschuhs / Marvels of the Snowshoe (Arnold Fanck, 1920)
Documentary film. A daring snowshoe expedition reveals the beauty of the glaciers and the lonely mountain peaks in a height of metres. Furthermore, the film shows the artistic skills of the dare-devil skiers on their downhill runs at breakneck speed and acrobatic jumps over crevasses. The skiers set of avalanches while the film shows those unique impressions of the winter landscapes of the black Forest and the Swiss Alps with gentle and calm shots.
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Wie Sprachen klingen für Nicht-Muttersprachler
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Olaf Scholz Verwirrt: Wahl, Blau und Demokratie? 🤔
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Чудесный Бог | Wunderbarer Gott | Александр Кленингер | Alexander Kleninger
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