Python Flask Tutorial: Full-Featured Web App Part 4 - Database with Flask-SQLAlchemy

In this Python Flask Tutorial, we will be learning how to create a database using Flask-SQLAlchemy. SQLAlchemy is a great tool for working with databases because it allows us to interact with the database in an Object-Oriented manner, which is very intuitive once we get used to it. We will be using a SQLite database to get us started and then move on to a Postgres database when we deploy the application. Let’s get started... The code for this series can be found at: ✅ Support My Channel Through Patreon: ✅ Become a Channel Member: ✅ One-Time Contribution Through PayPal: ✅ Cryptocurrency Donations: Bitcoin Wallet - 3MPH8oY2EAgbLVy7RBMinwcBntggi7qeG3 Ethereum Wallet - 0x151649418616068fB46C3598083817101d3bCD33 Litecoin Wallet - MPvEBY5fxGkmPQgocfJbxP6EmTo5UUXMot ✅ Corey’s Public Amazon Wishlist
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