Евгений Соложенкин. Челябинск. Закрытие мемориала М.А.Лозоватского в Челябинске.
Закрытие мемориала М.А.Лозоватского в Челябинске.
Project websites:
- English version
- Russian version
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Tutorial videos on our channel:
We bring to your attention the second version of the ChessMasterPro project:
The project was created both for professionals who want to quickly improve their level of skill, and for chess amateurs who aim to learn how to play chess well.
Project goal: introduction of new and high technologies in the study of chess.
Connect any number of your students to your project.
Create any number of assignments with your positions and send specific assignments to your students, depending on their level of training and qualifications.
Use over 100,000 items uploaded by us to your account.
Get VIP access to the VIP base of trainers with a free purpose of exchanging bases and positions.
Add a video with the theoretical part of your workout.
Add the practical part of your workout so that your student completes a given position with Stockfish or Alpha Zero.
View statistics and get a complete picture of the preparation, success and progress of your students.
Take complete control over how your students learn and how they complete your assignments.
Meta tags: Chess, Chess Lessons, Teaching Chess, Chess in School, Chess for Kids, Play Chess.
The platform will allow you to save your time and work more closely with each student. Our portal was created especially for amateurs who want to turn into strong tournament players as soon as possible. Of course, this system will bring considerable benefit to professional craftsmen - in order to systematize, repeat and fix in memory the knowledge that raised them to a high level. First of all, you need to isolate the most important thing, create your own developments and then master it firmly.
Your own Database of Chess Problems and Sample Positions
Add Problems, Typical and Key positions from games to your cabinet or download them from ChessBase. You can use tasks to create workouts and get started quickly with students
Rapid learning to Opens, mastering the Midgame, learning the Endgame.
Create workouts for each topic and give them to students. The student will be able to restart the workout as many times as he needs to memorize positions, this speeds up learning.
Rear Home Check is no longer needed. Everything is automated.
Give the students a Workout on the topic covered, and then open statistics on it. You will see how many problems each student solved, which ones on the first try, in which mistakes, how many moves were made and the current progress.
Results for all students in one place
All statistics are saved in your office, you can always open the page of a particular student and look at his results, whether everything is doing well, in real time.
Free classroom for students with ratings and awards
The interactive passage of assignments arouses more interest in students than the standard analysis of problems on paper
You can connect any number of students to your office!
interactive whiteboard
The process of solving problems on the platform gives more involvement of the student than solving from paper or a picture. The system makes moves for the opponent, says whether the move is correct or not, shows a hint if the student cannot solve the problem.
Set of ratings, titles and awards
Time and error limits, rewards for completing tasks, a set of ratings and medals, leaderboards, all this makes learning like a game!
Student Personal Page
Each Student has his own Profile on the site, where his awards and statistics are collected, so he can show his achievements to friends, as well as communicate with other users through a private message system.
Create your own office and connect the first students!
It’s free!
If you are a coach and want your students to achieve high results ...
See more on our channel:
Project ““ (Master Classes for Trainers)
Official Trailer of the ““ Project
World Chess Champion Training
Registration on the website. Instruction.
Students Invitation. Instruction.
Categories. Creating Categories. Instruction.
Creation of positions. Import - Export of positions. Import - Export of Categories. Instruction.
#chess_classes, #chess_school, #chess_learning
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