Making a Bluetooth Speaker Box / Mid-Century Modern Console Style
Made this miniature mid-century modern turntable console, with a bluetooth interface, a small amplifier module and some cheap 2“ speakers. The so called vinyl disc acts as a volume control and on/off switch. Overall the box is 8“x 3“x 3“ made from some african exotic wood, called Abura, and Mahogany fronts.
● Some tools used in this video
Dozuki Saw EU:
Veritas Low Angle Smoothing Plane
Veritas Mini Router Plane
Kunz Mini Plane (Amazon), (Dictum)
Combination Squares 150mm: and 300mm:
Kebiki Marking Gauge
Bosch PSM Primo Sander
Japanese Mini Brass Clamps - (Amazon), (Dictum)
Wolfcraft Drill Stand
● And others I use and recommend:
Ryoba S