Daniel Rosenfeld (C418) – Creating the music for Minecraft and designing sound by playing games

Who said you can’t learn anything while slacking off? Join the composer of Minecraft as we’re going to watch a ton of video games. Maybe you’ll learn a thing or two about putting bleeps and bloops into your own game. Daniel Rosenfeld has been and is still the composer and sound designer of Minecraft. Ever since the release and success of the game, he has been traveling around the world to learn and help others try to figure out what it means to make a good game. DevGAMM is the biggest game developers conference in Eastern Europe. DevGAMM gives gaming experts a chance to keep up with the latest thinking and developments in making games as well as share their knowledge and experience with each other. Learn more about DevGAMM – Subscribe to our newsletter – More about games and developers participating in DevGAMM – Become a speaker – Join our community: Facebook – Twitter – Discord (for developers) – Contact us via email – contact@
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