“Excommunicated“ is a music video that tells a story of a bunch of miscreants running the shadows of the Sixth World. Based on the Shadowrun RPG by Catalyst Game Labs and set in a futuristic Russia, the music video is a promotion for the upcoming “Shadowrun Russia“ LARP set to take place near Moscow, Russia over three days (July 29th - August 2nd). Find out more about the LARP: Produced and directed by Maria Shokh Music written and performed by Dmitry Helios of Gasoline Gunslingers Support us: (don’t, throw a buck to a charity of your choice) LYRICS: My god shines bright in the dark Building up in layers on me Glistening through blood and muck And my god bites deep into my nerve and sinew Jacks me into the collective mind And my God Titillating, Tantalizing, Cold God We’re sacrif
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