The Marini MR-C 95, available from International Drilling Equipment!

International Drilling Equipment had the privilege of being the first to sell the Marini Quarries Group MR-C 95, a drilling rig that has proven to be reliable and tenacious over time. Specifically designed for specialized civil engineering and geotechnical drilling projects, the MR-C95 is a versatile rig that is operated fully remotely. These crawler rigs feature a single-section arm and a double turntable system, allowing for drilling in various angles and directions, including vertical, horizontal, and inclined operations such as micropiles, tiebacks, anchors, and installation of hollow bars. The MR-C 95 has impressive specifications, boasting up to 175 Hp, a mast length of 15-24 ft., an extraction force of 17,984 ft. Lbs., and rotary torque of 17,700 ft. Lbs. IDE is prepared to offer the Marini MR-C 95 crawler rig to its customers today, but don’t wait long! These Marini crawler rigs are a hot ticket item. With exceptional service and support, IDE ensures that customers receive top
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