IRON Series 30 Min Shoulders & Triceps Workout - Dumbbells | 7

Fundamental movements to provide stimuli for muscular hypertrophy, this workout will target the entire shoulder and triceps! A well rounded workout to include tension, muscular damage and metabolic stress so rest is very important. It is important to allow these muscle groups time to recover in order to grow. Quality over quantity is as always the focus which lends itself to a moderate pace with time available to lift with proper intent and control. All you will need for this workout are dumbbells and your mat! The dumbbells I am using for your reference is 2 x each and 8kg each. I am using a chair just for the presses at the beginning but it’s not necessary as you can simply stand! The timer will be on for 60 seconds per exercise with 30 seconds rest inbetween each set! SHOULDER PRESS ARNOLD PRESS FACEPULLS ALTERNATING LATERAL RAISES UPRIGHT ROWS TATE PRESS SKULLCRUSHERS SHOULDER CRU
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