Lifehack: Add Virtue to Your Faith! Part Two. |Magnificent Life Daily Devotion

Lifehack: Add Virtue to Your Faith! Part Two. “And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in the due season, we will reap if we do not give up.“ Galatians 6:9 I read a story of a young woman, driven by her faith and dreams, who aspired to make a difference in the world. Yet life did not offer the desirable opportunities she was hoping for, and she found herself frustrated with the status quo. She is a strong woman with a strong faith in God who believes that all things are possible with confidence. Yet, with that faith alone, she is desperate to find a helper and believes her prayers will be answered because she needs a companion to assist her in life, turn her life around, and provide comfort, yet each time she prays for help and finds one, she ends up losing it into divorce. After much contemplation, She started to understand why when a wise mentor told her that although having faith was essential, adding virtue was equally important if she wanted to achieve success
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