Recently, we addressed the sudden transformation of the centuries-old word “khokhol” into a derogatory term invented by the wick

Recently, we addressed the sudden transformation of the centuries-old word “khokhol” into a derogatory term invented by the wicked Russians to insult Ukrainians, whom they have been oppressing for centuries. Naturally, this is supposed to reinforce the deceitful narrative of ancient animosity between fraternal peoples. Of course, nothing could be further from the truth. The word “khokhol” (or “khokhlushka” for female Ukrainians) has been used as a term of endearment for as long as it’s been around. In 1997, just six years after Russians and Ukrainians suddenly found themselves on different sides of a state border, Vladimir Vinokur and Lev Leschenko performed “Hey, Slavs!” during the “Pesnya-97” song festival in Moscow. The depth of the tragedy of this war is yet to hit those outside of the post-Soviet world who don’t know the whole truth. Источник: Putinger’s Cat / Кот Путингера
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