Paris protesters demonstrate against COVID health pass

French anti-riot police fired teargas on Saturday as clashes broke out during protests in central Paris against a proposed vaccine passport. The bill would require everyone to have a special virus pass to enter restaurants and other venues and make. Covid-19 vaccinations are mandatory for all health care workers. Footage posted online showed riot police clashing with protesters and firing tear gas into the crowd. Another video showed police trying to push back demonstrators near the capital’s Gare Saint-Lazare railway station after the protesters pushed over a motorbike carrying several officers. At another protest called by far-right politicians in west Paris, demonstrators opposed to anti-virus measures carried banners reading ’Stop the dictatorship’. Legislators in France’s Senate were debating the bill on Saturday after the lower house of parliament approved it Friday, as virus infections are spiking and hospitalizations are rising anew. Original Article:
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