London Hails New Lord Mayor (1954)

Mansion House, London. LV. & SCU. Lord Mayor, Alderman Seymour Howard, standing on rostrum in front of Mansion House watching procession. LV. Tableaux “. Triumph“ - 60 ft. model of carrier. SCU. New Lord Mayor stepping into coach at Mansion House. AS. Coachman Harry Hawkins. SV. Mayor looking from window and waving. SV. Crowd. CU. Pan, Mayor smiling as he drives off in coach. GV. Sailors and marines marching down from St. Paul’s Cathedral. AS. Workmen looking over fence. SV. Marines marching past. CU. Kids waving streamers. SV. Pan, tableau “East Africa“, farming etc., Mount Kilimanjaro is featured. SV. Pan, Tableau “Cyprus“, wines, fruits... SV. Men watching, including coloured boy. LV. British West Indies colonies tableau with Russ Henderson Calypso Band playing. CU. Pan, Russ Henderson Calypso band on British West Indies tableau. SV. Pan, tableau - Jamaica Bananas. CU. Pan, bananas. GV. Lord Mayor’s coach drawing up outside Law Courts. SV. Trumpeters. LV. Coach outside Law Courts. CU. Coachman, Ha
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