Пошёлъ за компанию въ кринжовый походъ / Went along on a Cringe’ade to keep company

Пошёлъ за компанию въ кринжовый походъ ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Went along on a Cringe’ade to keep company Translation👇🏻 No days off, no Mondays off, no eight-hour days, you think of it and talk of it and do it round the clock. How do you find it? I find it a pleasure. Нашъ Бусти / Our Boosty: Нашъ Патреонъ / Our Patreon: Нашъ телеграмъ / Our Telegram: Нашъ Яндексъ Дзенъ / Our Yandex Zen: #piterville #питервилль #кринжэпохивозрождения #тиктокъ #дмитрийрепин
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