Telephone Awoo (Complete Ver.)

I’ll keep doing silly videos and some other stuff, if you want to follow me you can do it here, I also have a twitter and a ko fi. (I upload fumo pictures here) (you can send donations here) Maybe it’s not something that will gather 3.5 million people but that’s alright. This video has brought so much happiness to so much people and that really makes me happy too. Memes and all this has become so big and a really fond memory for me, I can’t see Momiji the same way as I did before. I want to learn to be a great artist and learn some graphic design, motion graphics and some more. Would anything be as successful as this? We can’t know that just yet but let’s start that journey today and see where it takes me. Sincerely: 9Tensai9 ==================================================== *Music* Telephone Number 1984 - MAGICAL Album *Vocals:* 大橋純子(Junko Ohashi) *Characters:* Naoko Takeuchi - CLAMP - Toei Animation - Matt Furie - 上海アリス幻樂団(ZUN) *Illustrations (Pixiv):* Momiji: Natsu no koucha - ま~らいおん - さど - Wool - Maitora [Dancing Momiji GIF] - Dav-19 - sawatari_(sado) *Cirno:* Kasanoki - Nugi - まがりかど - いと - Noredji - はやたま - あいに *Footage:* Kearon de clouet Filmmaker - Youtube Pedant - - Brendanxbeastly Original release: 24/07/2017 OG: *Edited by 9Tensai9*
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