Dance like an Egyptian with these amazing props!
Pleated Skirt Midi Swing Skirt with Pockets:
Women’s Sleeveless Sparkle Sequin Tops V-Neck Cami Sexy Club:
Gold Leaf Crown Headband:
Finger Cymbals Belly Dancing:
Handmade Katana Anime Cosplay Sword:
Belly Dance Tutorial - full playlist here:
Belly dancing is sexy, fun, and burns up a lot of calories to boot! In this video, belly dancer Irina Akulenko teaches you how to do the belly dance move known as the Basic Egyptian.
Beautiful Belly Dancing Accessories Hip Scarf (Short) with Gold Coins:
Tribal Chiffon Tiered Maxi Skirt:
Harem Pants:
Gold Sequined Bra Top:
Gold Head Chain:
Finger Cymbals:
Belly dancing Sword:
Chiffon Veil:
Face Veil:
Bollywood Foot Jewelry:
Irina’s Bellydance DVD:
Belly dancing is sexy, fun, and burns up a lot of calories to boot! In this video, belly dancer Irina Akulenko teaches you how to do the belly dance move known as the Basic Egyptian. You’ll be shaking it like Shakira in no time.
So now we’re going to learn how to do the Basic Egyptian. Come back to the neutral position keeping the knees bent, once again chest lifted, lower abs in. And you’re going to touch the right foot in front, and come back, touch the left, and come back. Touch the right, and come back, touch the left, and come back. Keep the knees slightly bent at all times. And now as you touch you’re going to push the hip up, and release, and the other side. And as you push up, that hip is going to go to the opposite, upward diagonal. So if you’re squeezing your right hip up you’re going to aim at the left upper corner. And reverse it, when you’re squeezing the left side, aiming at the right upper corner. Chest is lifted, and adding that small lift and twist. Once again, you want to make sure you’re not bouncing in space, the chest is lifted, the head is still. And once again from the side. And now we’re going to add arms. Same active side of the leg will be active with the arm as well, so the right hand will be reached right in front, the left will touch the top of your head, and then you’re going to switch. Pushing right in front, and down. From the side. So now we’re going to start both the hand and the leg at the same time. Reaching forward the right side, with a twist, and switch, with a twist. Let’s try that with music. And there are various arm positions for this movement, so you can see lots of different variations, but this is one of the most basic versions. So this is how you do the Basic Egyptian.
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How do you do a basic belly dance
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