Winning over Welders: Cobot-based Hirebotics Welder Delivers High Quality Welds

When Hirebotics’ Cobot Welder first arrived at DeAngelo Marine Exhaust, not everybody shared the CEO’s enthusiasm, many of the fabricators were very skeptical. But that quickly changed as workers experienced the ease of use and the high-quality output. “The same people that were afraid of the cobot, they are now calling me on the weekends, suggesting new parts to run on the cobot,” says Justin Montes, CEO of DeAngelo Marine Exhaust. “You could see their brains just explode; now everybody’s embracing it. It’s been a big morale booster for our work culture.” Learn more: #automation #cobots #tigwelding #migwelding #fabrication #universalrobots #mfg #marineindustry #weld #weldernation #metalfabrication #metalworking
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