How To Grow Your Biceps In 10 Minutes (Using Science)

Wondering how to grow big biceps? I’m going to give you a killer 10 minute dumbbell biceps workout. We’ll use 3 different training methods that will cut your workout time by 1/3rd WHILE helping you get bigger biceps – at the same time. I’ll show you how each of these methods work using science, and exactly how to use them (with some of the best dumbbell biceps exercises around) in your workout for big biceps. Alright so here’s the 10-minute dumbbell biceps workout. Method 1 takes about 2 minutes to complete and will use something called rest pause sets. Method 2 will pair two bicep exercises together as a compound set that will take 5 minutes to complete. Method 3 will finish the workout off with drop sets that will take only 1 minute to complete. Assuming 1 minute of rest between each method, you’ll be done in just 10 minutes. Method 1: Rest Pause (1 set of 20 reps total) Dumbbell Curls Method 2: Compound Set (3 sets of 8-12 reps) Spider Curls Incline Dumbbell Curls
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