This video shows a “train” of SpaceX Starlink satellites crossing with each other on April 22, 2020, shortly after launch. This was a test of a laser communication system. Laser beams are not visible to the human eye because their wavelengths are not in the spectrum of visible light. Digital cameras can capture a wider range of wavelengths, so it is possible to capture laser beams in this case as well.
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V tem videoposnetku je prikazan “vlak“ satelitov SpaceX Starlink, ki se križata med seboj 22. aprila 2020, kmalu po izstrelitvi. To je bil test laserskega komunikacijskega sistema. Laserski žarki niso vidni človeškemu očesu, ker njihove valovne dolžine niso v spektru vidne svetlobe. Digitalni fotoaparati lahko zajamejo širši obseg valovne dolžine, zato je mogoče snemati laserske žarke tudi v tem primeru.
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