White Rhinos (1950)

White Rhino for Antwerp Zoo, (Khartoum and Antwerp). M/S Two natives chasing birds. M/S Man catches one. C/U Holding bird in front of camera. M/S Native getting hold of stork M/S Native catching bird (beaked with pouch) he walks out of frame. C/U Bird with duck-like beak. M/S White man walking towards camera, catches bird by bill, puts it under his arm and walks out of frame. C/U Gazelle. MS. Rhinos running towards camera. C/U Rhinos away from camera, towards feeding bowls. C/U Rhino feeding. C/U Rhinos in compound, one still feeding, another approaches . C/U Rhinos feeding. C/U Rhino feeding, pan to other one chewing. L/S Native enticing rhinos with corn. CU Native enticing rhino towards cage. camera pans behind corn into transporting cage. L/S Enticing rhinos in cage. C/U Native feeding rhinos in cage, while another closes cage door. C/U Monkey in cage, watching he pouts and turns head away. C/U Boy native watching. M/S Plump native working weighing machine. M/S and C/U Natives helping. C/U Hand put
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