Thorpy FX Fallout Cloud | EBMM St Vincent | Axe-FX III DR103 model = Bliss.

I enjoyed making the demo for Adrian Thorpe’s Fallout Cloud so much I just HAD to team it up with a Floyd-ish backing track (credited in the video) and the St. Vincent for a bit of fun. Well, seven minutes of fun (indulgence) if you can be bothered to sit through it! The Fallout Cloud is another amazing stomp by Thorpy FX and if you’re a muff fiend (aren’t we all?) you should probably own one. “I was asked to create the FALLOUT CLOUD by a number of vintage pedal enthusiasts I know. They were after a Triangle era style pedal that would work with a variety of guitars (Humbucker and singlecoil’s including P90’s) and amps and be bombproof so it could be gigged. The brief was simple, make a triangle era Fuzz that could beat their original 1971 Triangle fuzz pedals when placed head to head. The brief was simple, the t
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