SKI Lesson: 3 Levels of CARVING

Hi everyone! Finally, “the“ CARVING guide we have all been waiting for. It took me a while to shoot and edit, almost three months, but I wanted to make it comprehensive, yet simple. I have also, as requested by many in the past, included parts of the script here below. For full script mail me at @. Enjoy and stay ALIVE! reg Tom ******************************************************************************************* DISCLAIMER: CARVING is fun but has its dangers. Ski slowly, watch out for other people on the slope, always use a helmet and a spine protector and be sure your bindings are set up properly. LEVEL 1: BASICS / BASICS OF CARVING DRILL #1 (X-Country Double Pole Push) Take a shoulder wide stance and push yourself forwards across a mildly slanted slope. Much like in cross country skiing. Do this in both directions back and forth for as many times needed. The success of your carving will be written in the tracks you
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