
Voting is now Open! The next cats top model The cat’s next top model. You can Vote for 4 Contestants. We will be choosing 1 Winner and the Top 3 Contestants. You are only allowed to Vote on this video by commenting in the comment section down below. You also can share the video link with your friends and social media platform just to vote! We will be Voting for Two Days and end the voting by June 21st at 9 PM. Then we will be announcing the Winner’s on June 22, 2021 at 9PM Philippines Time. All 24 Contestants ⤵️ 1- Shadow & Nikima @Rosemary K 2- Mr. Christmas @D.C and Mr. Christmas 3- Alexa @Lisa Augustitus 4- Roxy @Cat Roxy Rocker Kitty 5- Amber @Jen and Caramel 6- Tamanegi @デブ猫タマネギ 7- Willie @Patty and Willie
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