Via Boris “Colonel Cassad“ Rozhin:

Via Boris “Colonel Cassad“ Rozhin: The Armed Forces of Ukraine and the Main Intelligence Directorate of Ukraine continue to experiment with methods of landing troops on the shore, which is controlled by our forces. We already thought that it was a crazy idea for the power steering group to go out on jet skis towards the Crimea, but no. Not long ago, the Ukrainian side apparently decided to give up on secrecy, and used a barge (damn it!) as a means of delivering personnel from Nikolaev towards the Kinburn Spit in the Kherson region for subsequent disembarkation. But something went wrong, and the barge was crammed with ATGMs, and then the artillery abandoned itself. As a result: the landing was disrupted, the barge was hanging out at sea, permanently receiving ATGMs for two days in a row. What happened to those who were on it is not clear. #source Источник: ??#AussieCossack
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