The Abraham Accord: Trump’s Legacy To The World

The Abraham Accord: Trump’s Legacy To The World Title: The Abraham Accords: Trump’s Legacy to the World The Abraham Accords were signed by Israel, the United Arab Emirates, and the United States on August 13, 2020, but they did not address the issue of the Palestinians. The agreement was seen as a political move without substance and does not represent a significant step towards resolving the issues in the Middle East. Furthermore, there is a risk that the conflict in the Gaza Strip could spill over beyond the region involving other actors such as Iran. The normalization agreement between Israel and the United Arab Emirates: a theatrical representation The Aroni newspaper seeks to stop Israel’s planned annexation of the West Bank The proposed alternative is the normalization of relations with the United Arab Emirates Normalization of relations between three countries does not solve the issues of the Middle East International tensions: Involvement of Iran and Palest
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