How to express opposing ideas in English: despite, although, nevertheless, in spite of...

Want to know a simple trick that will help you sound more academic in your speaking? This tip can also help you begin writing the introduction to your TOEFL and IELTS essays. In this video, I will teach you the importance of showing the opposing viewpoint in writing and speech. You will learn how to use words like “although“, “even though“, “despite“, “in spite of“, and “nevertheless“. These words help you effectively introduce opposing ideas or facts in speech and writing. Despite it sounding complicated and fancy, it is quite easy to learn! You can practice your new English skills by doing our quiz at the end of the lesson. TRANSCRIPT Hello. My name is Emma, and in today’s video, I am going to teach you a very good and useful trick on how to write essays, how to sound better when you speak, how to do better in presentations. This tip is very useful if you are taking the TO
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