Eishes Chayil - Levy, Duddy K and Yedidim - Shtendig | אשת חיל - לוי, דודי קליש, ידידים ושטנ&

This is what happens when multiple power sources are put together on one mega huge stage, watch this wonderful rendition of Eishes Chayil, originally performed by Ari Hill as a duet with the composer Duddy Kalish, this time covered by Levy Falkowitz and Duddy, with music of a huge orchestra arranged and led by Yossi Shtendig and beautiful harmony by Yedidim Choir Produced by: Yanky Orlansky Live Recording: Yossi Rosenberg Mix and Post Production: Tzvi Blumenfeld @ BlueRhythm Studios Video: Neumann Media Lyrics by: Motty Ilowitz Visit us: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: Yedidim Choir:
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