Unissued / unused material - dates and locations unclear or unknown.
Allied forces invasion of occupied Europe - exact location of events unknown.
Various shots Transport Dakota plane taxiing on airfield. M/S soldier loading luggage into staff car. M/S RAF (Royal Air Force) officers. M/S tail of plane.
Various shots Prime Minister Winston Churchill with unidentified American General and Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery (Monty). They look at rows of concrete triangles - antitank defences, part of Siegfried Line? They cross an army bridge and walk through a town reduced to rubble.
...Various shots Churchill and the VIPs looking around castle, damaged by fighting. German writing and eagle insignia above the entrance suggests it was used as German military headquarters. Good shots Churchill smoking cigar and wearing army uniform. More shots the VIPs inspecting the former German HQ.
Various shots Churchill inspecting British gun emplacement. He signs a shell. Various shots Churchill givingShow more