The Smallest Chernobyl Diorama with LED. Handmade CHNPP HighQuality Model. ЧАЭС Диорама. Чернобыль.

The smallest ever and the most accurate handmade diorama of 3-4th units of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant. An absolutely unique miniature model with an LED that completely copies the state of the CHNPP at the time of the accident and after. The LED is installed in the ruins of the reactor. Unique design with a flickering LED gives the effect of blazing fire and red-hot lava in the reactor shaft. Guaranteed the only finished work in the world with such quality and dimensions Completely in-house development. Assembly and painting is done by hand. Maximum compliance with the real sample. Maximum attention to trifles, details, features. Maximum possible quality. Based on documentation, archival drawings, 3d models, real photos. Used 3V LED with battery.
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