G7 Price Cap Plan Against Russia Doomed to Fail? | Europe Energy Crisis | Russia Ukraine War

G7 Price Cap Plan Against Russia Doomed to Fail? | Europe Energy Crisis | Russia Ukraine War. United States and its G7 allies plan to cap prices of sea-borne Russian oil shipments beginning December 5. Russian President Vladimir Putin has vowed to cut exports to countries that participate in the cap. India and China – perhaps the biggest buyers of Russian oil are not onboard the price cap mechanism. OPEC is not happy with the price cap mechanism that targets Russian oil but puts the global oil market in peril. Watch to know more. G7 Oil Price Cap | Europe Energy Crisis | Russia Ukraine War| Russia Oil | Crude Oil | Natural Gas | United States of America | Joe Biden | OPEC | European Union | Geopolitics | Latest News | International News |Firstpost #russia #ukraine #oil #usa #energycrisis #naturalgas #russianoil #joebiden #pricecap #europeanunion #g7 #india #putin #china | n18oc_world Subscribe to Firstpost YouTube channel to never miss a video:
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