Native American:Sioux Chief’s Honoring Song

Sioux (pronounced SUE) are a Native American and First Nations people. The term can refer to any ethnic group within the Great Sioux Nation or any of the nation’s many dialects. The Sioux comprise three major divisions based on dialect and subculture: Isanti (“Knife,“ originating from the name of a lake in present-day Minnesota): residing in the extreme east of the Dakotas, Minnesota, and northern Iowa, and are often referred to as the Santee or Eastern Dakota. Ihanktowan-Ihanktowana (“Village-at-the-end“ and “little village-at-the-end“): residing in the Minnesota River area, they are considered to be the middle Sioux, and are often referred to as the Yankton or Western Dakota. Teton or Tetonwan (uncertain, perhaps “Dwellers on the Prairie“): the westernmost Sioux, known for their hunting and warrior culture, and are often referred to as the Lakota. Today, the Sioux maintain many separate tribal governments scattered across several reservations, c
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