The fight over solitary confinement comes to a head outside of New York City Hall

A long-simmering controversy over solitary confinement at city jails came to the steps of City Hall on Wednesday with dueling, heated rallies that preceded a marathon hearing on the officers voiced their support for isolating dangerous detainees, while members of the City Council voiced support for a bill banning the practice. The two groups yelled chants at each other (“Safe jails now!” versus “End solitary now!”), and correction officers jeered at council members and gave the thumbs down signs. Advocates spoke of incarcerated people indefinitely locked alone in cells or caged showers, resulting in extreme psychological trauma. They held signs with the names of those who recently died at Rikers Island, including several who died by suicide after being held in isolation. Family members of the deceased said officers failed to protect their loved ones. The correction officers brought pictures of officers wounded in the line of duty, who had bloodied eyes and slash marks a
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