Vikings VS Francs : Ragnar à Paris ! Stop motion Playmobil !

English translation : The story takes place in the year 845, Ragnar Lothbrok, king of Scandinavia, decides to invade Paris. A fleet of 120 ships carrying 6000 Vikings go up the Seine in devastating Christian religious places. The King of France, Charles the Bald, and his army are trying to defend the little fortified city, but this one is plundered by Ragnar and his warriors. The Parisians, surprised by the daring expedition led by Ragnar, fled into the land with their property. The Carolingian king granted the Vikings a sum of 7000 pounds of silver in exchange of their departure. Ragnar accepts then returns to the Denmark victorious, its name becomes legendary. Deutsche Übersetzung: Die Geschichte spielt im Jahr 845, Ragnar Lothbrok, König von Skandinavien beschließt, in Paris einzufallen. Eine Flotte von 120 Schiffe mit 6000 Wikingern fahren die Seine hinauf verheerende christliche religiöse Stätten. Der König von Frankreic
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