From cleaning in the city to building the house of dreams

Nomadic life: Hello, dear viewers, and thank you for the good support you have always had for this family and I hope it continues. As I explained to you before, the life of this family was very difficult and the problems of this worst problem is that, unfortunately, guns This woman’s face was hit and she lost part of her face, her husband left her because of this and she was able to resist all the problems she had. So far so good with this. The problems have been solved, but if it wasn’t for the support of you, the viewers, it was not clear what worse things would have happened to this family. In this video, this woman starts cleaning the house in the city to earn money to buy food for her children and so on. After returning to the hut from a boy who had known the family for a few days, he did this and prepared food for the children, considering that the woman’s blocks had run out and he needed another block without this. When the woman has no news, the boy sends her blocks to build another part o
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