2 minutes ago! Apocalypse in Canada! All airports are closed! Stone-sized hailstorm in Vancouver!

This sudden hailstorm has caught many Vancouver residents off guard, as the city is not known for its extreme weather conditions. However, climate experts warn that such weather events are becoming increasingly common as the planet continues to warm. A sudden hailstorm struck Vancouver, Canada, leaving residents stunned and streets blanketed in ice. The storm, which lasted for just over an hour, pounded the city with golf ball-sized hailstones, causing significant damage to cars, trees, and homes. The hailstorm caused chaos on the roads, with drivers struggling to maintain control of their vehicles on the slippery and icy surfaces. Many cars were left dented and damaged by the hailstones. Eyewitnesses described the hailstones as coming down so hard and fast that it sounded like a barrage of gunfire. Some residents were forced to seek shelter indoors as the hailstones pelted the city. Local authorities have urged residents to exercise caution when venturing outside, with the threat of falling ice and debris still present in some areas. trees and buildings, with broken branches littering the streets and some homes suffering damage to their roofs and windows.
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