FCER - Gloria

This track it’s dedicated to every person who does not feel worthy to be called a child of the King. It does not matter your belief, social status, your appearance or Creator of the universer wants to use your story for His Glory. Transforming you into a new creature and your pass doesn’t matter (2 Corinthians 5:17). You were design on purpose and for the purpose of His Glory. Anyone who believes in their heart and confess with their mouth that JESUS CHRIST is Lord of lords will be saved (Romans 10:9) and will become a son of GOD (John 1:12). Let Him use your story for His Glory. Este tema es dedicado a toda persona que no se siente digna de ser llamad@ hij@ del REY. No importa tu creencia, tu estatus social, tu apariencia o nacionalidad... El Creador del universo quiere usar tu historia para SU Gloria. Transformándote en una nueva criatura y sin importar tu pasado (2 Corintios 5:17). Fuiste diseñad@ a propósito y con propósito para SU el que crea en su corazón y confiese con su boca que JESUCRISTO es el Señor de señores sera salvo ( Romanos 10:9)y sera hijo De Dios (Juan 1:12). Deja que use tu historia para Su Gloria.
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