Christmas Song in Old English [God Rest You Merry, Gentlemen] | The Skaldic Bard

Here is my translation, arrangement and performance of the traditional English Christmas song “God Rest You Merry, Gentlemen” in Old English. My wife joins me in the latter part of the song. The song in its bare form dates back to a manuscript from the 1650s. The subtitles show the Old English in the middle with the literal translation above and the original text below. I love the note progression in this song and have always thought it would sound cool played in a more intense/slightly “dark” way, bringing the oomph out of those minor notes, which is what I have tried to do here. It makes me think of the gravity of the fact that the Saviour is born to free man from sin - not something to be taken lightly! I have maintained the original ABCBDB rhyming scheme of the original song and tried to keep the meaning as close to the original as possible - all except for one anachronism in the original which wouldn’t work in Old English, namely the reference to Christmas being the holy tide “which all
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