18“ bass drum drumheads comparison REMO POWERSTROKE 3 uncoated & coated PIN STRIPE C.S. Gretsch

Drumheads used in this video (in order of appearance): 18“ REMO Weather King POWERSTROKE 3 BASS (uncoated) 18“ REMO Weather King PIN STRIPE (uncoated) 18“ REMO Weather King C.S. (uncoated) 18“ REMO Weather King POWERSTROKE 3 BASS (coated) with large REMO FALAM SLAM patch 18“ Gretsch (coated) - this is the drumhead originally fitted on the new drum when purchases Each drumhead is played in 3 various (increasing) volumes 4 times: 1. Lower tuning without padding 2. Lower tuning with padding 3. Higher tuning w
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