Kanan Jarrus Lightsaber (SaberMach Specter)

Star Wars Rebels Kanan Jarrus Inspired Lightsaber from Sabermach Kanan Jarrus, born Caleb Dume, was a Force-sensitive human male Jedi Knight who survived Order 66 during the Clone Wars. Living on thanks to the sacrifice of his Master, Depa Billaba, on Kaller, he met the smuggler Janus Kasmir, who taught him how to survive as a fugitive. Going into hiding, he forsook the Jedi ways for some time, swapping his blue-bladed lightsaber for a blaster. After working with the Twi’lek rebel operative Hera Syndulla during the Gorse conflict, Jarrus decided to join her nascent rebel cell. As Syndulla’s second-in-command, the two came to develop a romantic relationship. After the Force-sensitive teenager Ezra Bridger joined the Spectres, Jarrus became his Jedi mentor despite still being a Padawan. After defeating the Grand Inquisitor in combat, Jarrus and his fellow rebels learned they were part of a larger rebellion and joined Phoenix Cell. During a mission to Malachor, Jarrus was blinded by the f
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