Ludovico Einaudi Seven Days Walking (all days)

Ludovico Einaudi Seven Days Walking. All days, in only one video. Full albums. 0:00:00 Day 1 0:52:55 Day 2 1:44:37 Day 3 2:44:04 Day 4 3:31:10 Day 5 4:16:28 Day 6 5:12:41 Day 7 Seven Days Walking is the title of the new album by Ludovico Einaudi, released on March 15, 2019, three and a half years after Elements and a triumphal world tour. “I remember that in January 2018 I often went for long walks in the mountains, always following more or less the same trail. It snowed heavily, and my thoughts roamed free inside the storm, where all shapes, stripped bare by the cold, lost their contours and colors. Perhaps that feeling of extreme essence was the origin of this album.” Seven Days Walking is divided into seven episodes, seven albums (Day One, Day Two, etc. until Day Seven), that were released at monthly intervals. Each episode is focused on several main themes, which are recurring in a different form: seven variations following the same imaginary itin
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