Sleep w Cozy Rain Autumn Sleep Sounds & Relaxing Gentle Rain Sounds for Sleeping Problems

#cozy #rainyboy #autumn -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As late autumn approached its final act, a gentle rain began to fall, bringing with it a sense of melancholic beauty. The trees, their once vibrant leaves now a tapestry of red and gold, stood as silent witnesses to the season’s slow transition into winter. The raindrops tapped lightly on the leaves that still clung to the branches, creating a soothing, rhythmic melody. Each droplet sparkled like a precious gem as it made its brief descent to the earth, nourishing the soil and washing away the remnants of summer. The air was cool and crisp, carrying the unmistakable scent of damp earth and fallen leaves. A soft mist enveloped the landscape, lending an air of mystery to the surroundings. The world seemed to move at a slower pace, as if nature itself were taking a deep breath before the deep slumber of winter. Leaves, once vibrant and alive, were now scattered on the ground, forming
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