Thomas Quasthoff Quartett | FOR YOU!

Three-time Grammy winning, world-class bass baritone Thomas Quasthoff with his unique jazz quartet and their latest programme FOR YOU! When Thomas Quasthoff performs his new programme FOR YOU!, he is one thing above all else – absolutely authentic. Quasthoff has an unerring instinct for the appropriate style of whatever he is singing. This applies to opera arias, art and folk songs just as much as jazz, pop and soul. He has long proven that he – a classical singer by training, with an incredibly versatile bass-baritone – has also mastered genres rooted in the Afro-American tradition. Thus, all the qualities one admires in Quasthoff as a recitalist also become the golden rule for everything else: “He places his personality firmly at the service of music and text. His aim is to exclude anything artificial, reaching his listeners through veracity,” to quote one critic. How the bass-baritone lives up to his goal of truly touching people with his voice is evidenced by audience reactions and accolade
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