Jordan Refugees (1969)

Jordan. Various shots of the people and children in tent city - most probably Palestinian refugees in refugee camp. People walking in deep mud through randomly erected tents, mountains in background. Various shots of long line of people queuing - probably for toilet. Travelling shot from moving car showing sea of tents without end. More shots of dirty, muddy camp with people walking around. Various shots of the doctors attending sick children. Various shots of the children going to school. They line up and enter a barrack. Several shots of the children inside. Some very disturbing close up shots of the children and women inside and outside the barracks. Several shots of King Hussein of Jordan visiting the camp. He is in his car, smiles to camera He drives in a car, there are armed guards around. Various shots of the food being distributed to children. Several shots of King Hussein meeting Palestinian men, gathered men cheer and applaud. Crowd of people around the camp. King Hussein of Jordan leaving the ca
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