Imperial Battle Walkers - Command and Conquer - Red Alert

Taking a look at the Empire of the Rising Sun’s formidable battle walkers which saw action during and after the events of the alternate Third World War of Red Alert 3. Chapters and/or corrections posted below. Consider supporting the channel: Patreon - PayPal - Chapters 00:00 Introduction 00:57 Striker-VX 03:38 Shogun Executioner 07:35 King Oni 14:08 Steel Ronin 20:34 Commander’s Challenge Footage and some images and/or concept art are from the Command and Conquer video game series which is the property of Electronic Arts. Other images and art might be used from other sources and all righ...ts to those belong to their respective authors. Video animations, voiced dialogue and editing are created by myself. All music used in the video is from the official soundtracks of Command and Conquer Remastered Collection, Red Alert 2, Red Alert 3 and any associated expansion packs. All music is composed by Frank Klepacki, James Hannigan, and Tim Wynn. #commandandconquer #redalert
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