Building Peace Beyond Borders: Robert Schuman’s Legacy and Vatican Initiatives

Sign up for our newsletter here: Explore the peace-building efforts inspired by Venerable Robert Schuman, the founding father of a united Europe. Monsignor Bernard Ardura emphasizes Schuman’s belief that “economic progress must go hand in hand with moral progress.“ Pierre Louvrier of the Clementy Foundation aims to create forums for global dialogue. At the Vatican, experts from conflict regions discussed Schuman’s vision of a community of interests. Jan Figel reiterates, “Brotherhood is the route to peace.“ Learn how the Clementy Foundation’s initiatives and a sacred music concert symbolize the call to peace. Schuman’s legacy continues to inspire as his sainthood journey progresses. 👥 Follow us on our social networks: Instagram: X: Facebook: 💻 And you can also visit our website: #Vatican #Holysee #Schuman #JánFigel#ClementyGroup #PierreLouvrier #Peace
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